Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Job Searching

     It's hard to find a job out here in Los Angeles, but I'm trying to make some connects with people so they can possibly get me in. My school just gave me a job flash, which means that they give me job placements. There is this club/bar in Los Angeles that I'm going to apply to on Friday. It's a gay bar. I'm far from gay, but I know some straight guys that work at gay bars and they say that they make a lot of money. Hopefully I can get this job. I have nothing agaisnt gay people at all, so well see how this goes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Quote of the Day

"If you are bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things—you don't have enough goals." — Lou Holtz

Artist: Will Barras

February 19th, 2011
Event: Pow Wow Hawaii

To see his work click the link http://www.willbarras.com/

Museums & Events

    The best thing about Los Angeles is the fact that there are a lot of museums, galleries, and events that take place through out the year. I went to the MOCA (Museum of Contemporaty Art), with my friend Johana about a week ago and I loved it. The exhibit that went on was a graffiti gallery. I saw amazing art work done from artist such as, Banksy, Keith Haring, Kaws, JR, Lady Pink, Mr. Cartoon and more. It was definitely the best thing that's happened since I've been in Los Angeles so far. Hopefully I can get these jobs and be able to visit more of these museums and event, and end up being content with living in Los Angeles. It will keep me focused on myself rather then the people around me.

By the way I took some pictures of a bunch of cards that I took from the musuem. Don't worry they were free lol. I'll post a couple of them. Hope you enjoy!


     I came to the conclusion that I need to cut people out my life and worry about me for a change. I need to do a lot on my own to get my happy back. I don't know how my relationship with some people will be, but I'm doing this for me. If I'm not happy, I can't fully make another person happy.

The Plan

I must stay positive and not let things get to me. Since this is a new beginning I'm starting from scratch. I'm almost at rock bottom, but I'm not trying to actually see the bottom of the hole. I have to grind my ass off to make myself happy. I know what I need to do.

Kid Cudi - My World

Not Happy

     I'm going through a very hard struggle at this point in time in life. It's eating away at me every second, and it's starting to drive me insane. I'm trying to keep my sanity, but it's becoming difficult. I never been through a struggle like this before. Hopefully I can get these jobs that I want and then maybe I'll be fine and back to my normal self. I haven't been this unhappy in life in a very long time. I need a dig myself out this whole before it gets worst...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Is it safe to say that I live my life by quotes? Most people read the news paper or listen to the news. Everyday when I wake up I read quotes. I read quotes through out the day, just to keep me on track. I read quotes about life, determination, visionaries, motivation, love, and more. Quotes get me through my day and life.

The Sweats

     Waking up to this California head sucks. It's so hot in the morning sometimes. I wake up in the sweats, which doesn't feel very pleasant. So I came to the conclusion that my AC will be on full blast all the time. This is going to be expensive.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quote of the Day

"The empires of the future are empires of the mind."
Winston Churchill

Slacking, but Busy

     I feel like I've been slacking on my photography and stuff, but art the same time I'm not slacking. I've just been getting myself settled in, because I just move to Los Angeles, California. I have to get fruniture for the house and my room. I should be ordering a bed from IKEA sometime next week. I've been sleeping on this wood floor for about a month, but I'm ok with that. Patience is the key. I just graduated from bar-tending school, so hopefully I'll find a job fast. The school will help me with job placement, so I think I'll be ok. I plan on having three jobs; two bar-tendnig jobs and one clothing store job. At the same time I'll be doing all my creative work. Talk about being very busy and stressed. I'm a hard worker though, so I have to do what I have to do. Grinding is not an option for me, it's a must.

Allow me to Introduce Myself.

My name is Dale Martin and I'm 22 years old. I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. I recently just moved to Los Angeles, California to pursue my dreams. I'm a photographer, graphic designer, promoter, and clothing designer. I currently own a clothing line with my friend/business partner which will be releasing at the end of the year so stay posted and on the look out for it. I'm also getting into filming, because I figure it would go hand and hand with everything that I do. All of the pictures that you'll see on this blog have been taken by me, unless I say otherwise in the description. I'm a Visionary with goals that will be met. I believe they're three rules in life. The first rule is to Never Stop Grinding. The second rule is to Never Let Anybody Stop Your Grind or Get In The Way Of It. Finally the last rule is to Never Put Limits On Your Life. So with that all being said, I hope you enjoy my blog and Gind or Die.

Thank you for your time.